01 April, 2010

OpenHouse April 4

Hello Friends,

The 2nd April is ‘Good Friday’ (UK Public Holiday) and there will be special events taking place all day in the town centre – come and find out more!

Sunday 4th April is Easter Sunday, and very busy for some! Beginning with a ‘SonRise Service’ on Beacon Hill at 6.30am. OPEN-HOUSE meets as usual from 2 pm - 4 pm, at Emmanuel Church Centre, 43 Forest Road, and your hosts will be Clive and Judith Hilton + several other volunteers. Bring a friend with you - OPEN-HOUSE is especially for overseas visitors to L’boro.

Also on Sunday 4th you are invited to an International Tea at John Storer House, 5-7 pm. Bring some food for the ‘bring-and-share’ meal – there’s more info on info@sfellowship.org or 01509 822295.

Monday, 5th April is a Bank Holiday (Public Holiday) in the UK – why not walk down to Queen’s Park where you can feed the ducks with breadcrumbs, and enjoy an ice-cream with your friends.

May you all know God’s blessing,

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