08 April, 2010

OpenHouse Apr 11

Hello Friends,

Sunday 11th April is OPEN-HOUSE – we meet from 2 pm - 4 pm, at Emmanuel Church Centre, 43 Forest Road, and your hosts will be Phillip Lees and Naomi Jones + other volunteers. Bring a friend with you - OPEN-HOUSE is especially for overseas visitors to L’boro.

WARNING- We understand some overseas students / academics are using their own cars, to drive other students and academics to airports and even to holiday destinations – and they are charging money for this. If anyone accepts money for driving a private car that is against the law. – also, it invalidates the insurance on the vehicle so that in an accident you will not receive compensationUse public transport or a registered taxi or travel company – that is safer for you.

May you all know God’s blessing,


Well, I Never Did!

Where is the centre of England? A survey in 2002 by Ordnance Survey pinpointed Lindley Hall Farm, near Fenny Drayton, Leicestershire, as being at the centre of England. Historically, Meriden in the west Midlands claimed this title.

Why isn't the Rotherhithe Tunnel under the Thames in London straight? It was built with bends so that horses would not be able to see the light at the other end, and bolt for the exit. Yes, it is that old!

Can banana trees walk? Yes - they can move up to 15 cm per year, using the lateral roots which grow and move towards the sun.

A sleuth of bears; a rout of wolves; a murder/storytelling of crows.

What would be the result if all the bees were to die? All life on earth would die within an estimated four years as most food crops depend on bees to pollinate them - if the bees die, so do we!

Who was Daryl Walters? Enid Blyton, who died in 1968 at the age of 71. She was a famous author of books for young children.

What does 'tardis' mean? The model for Tardis is an obsolete Type 40 TT Police Callbox capsule from the UK. TARDIS stands for 'Time And Relative Dimensions In Space'. Don’t know what I’m talking about – watch ‘Dr Who’ on TV.

What are the bumps on a raspberry called ? Drupelets. The raspberry is not a berry but an aggregate fruit of numerous drupelets around a central core.

Pain, what pain? Women have, on average, 34 nerve fibres per square cm of facial skin, compared with just 17 for men.

Which are the biggest employers in the world? Wal-Mart (2.4 million people), Chinese Army (2.3 million), Indian State Railways (1.5 million), and UK National Health Service (1.4 million).

What caused 73 accidents in Britain in 2002? Toothpaste tubes.

Why do some British people say 'cobblers' when they believe something isn't true? The expression 'cobblers', meaning nonsense or rubbish, derives from 'cobblers awls', Cockney rhyming slang for 'balls'.

Humans share a third of their DNA with lettuce! Think of that when you next eat a salad.

A 'nation' defines a group of people; a 'country' defines a geographical area; and a 'state' is an independent political entity.

Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are considered 'nations' and 'countries' but, despite their parliaments, they are not 'states'.

Little round spotty critters with 6 legs, Crumpets are an English delicacy, and are caught during the open hunting season of February to May. In the north they call them Pikelets. They are best lightly toasted, then smothered with fresh English butter and a smidgeon of 'Marmite' – delicious!

What did Queen Victoria ban from her funeral? The colour black - instructing that mourners should wear white. Even the weather obliged, as the ground was covered with snow.

How long would it take to walk to China and back? The distance London-Beijing is 5070 miles - a 10140 mile round trip. At a walking speed of 4 mph; 2535 hours walking time; eight hours walking time per day - 316.8 days.

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