25 March, 2010

OpenHouse March 28

24th March, 2010

Hello Friends,

NOTICE! Before you go to bed on Saturday 27th, you must turn your watches and clocks forward by one hour – when you wake up on Sunday 28th you will enter into ‘British Summer Time’.

OPEN-HOUSE meets on Sunday, 28th March from 2 pm - 4 pm, at Emmanuel Church Centre, 43 Forest Road, and your hosts will be Aaron Anstey and Tricia Hole + several other volunteers. Bring a friend with you - OPEN-HOUSE is especially for overseas visitors to L’boro.

If you ask Aaron (with a straight face) he will tell you all about ‘All Fools Day’ which falls every year on 1st April – great fun!

Next week is known as Holy Week, and ‘Good Friday’ is on 2nd April (a public holiday in the UK). There will be special events taking place all day in the town centre – come and find out more!

May you all know God’s blessing,


EASTER ~ 2010

'Easter' is the most important celebration in the Christian calendar, and is celebrated in March or April; this year is in April. The writer of the Book of Luke (to be found in the New Testament of the Holy Bible) explains in detail the entire account (chapter 19, verse 28 onwards).

'Palm Sunday' recalls how Jesus began His last journey to Jerusalem; it is the beginning of 'Holy Week', the time preceding Easter, when we remember the 'passion' of Jesus Christ, and how He prepared for His sacrificial death.

'Good Friday' is the day when we remember how Jesus, a perfectly innocent man, was horribly executed on a cross by the Roman Army, who occupied the land of Jesus' birth. After He died, He was taken down and placed in a stone cave tomb. It is a sad day (traditionally we bake cakes with a cross on them - you may see them for sale - 'hot cross buns').

As He had prophesied, on the third day He rose again to life - that day is celebrated with much happiness on 'Easter Sunday'. Because Almighty God raised Jesus to life, Christians have assurance that when we eventually die - as we all must - then the spirits of those who accept and follow Jesus as their Lord and Saviour will also be 'raised', and we shall live eternally with God in Heaven.

Many people take the opportunity at Easter-time to send greeting cards to friends and family. We also enjoy chocolate eggs and, because it's Springtime, the cards often feature flowers and rabbits (however, cards, eggs, rabbits etc. have nothing to do with the real celebration of Easter). ‘Good Friday’, and the Monday following Easter Sunday, are public holidays in the UK.

Christians believe Jesus was conceived by Almighty God and born of an ordinary young woman, Mary, who was a virgin. He is therefore both man and God, divine and perfect in every way; the Son of God.

His death was foretold through the ages and was intended to be a sacrificial 'payment' for all who would believe in Him. A 'payment' that allows us to go to Heaven, to the presence of our Holy God. Heis the Creator of all things; the world and all that is in it (including you and me), and the entire universe! Jesus Christ opens wide His arms of love to all who come to Him, men and women of all races, ages, cultures and backgrounds.

It is an exciting and wonderful story. But it’s more than just a story - it is reality!

This Easter-time, do feel free to join in worship of the Risen Lord Jesus at a Christian church near you (the volunteers at OPEN-HOUSE will be delighted to advise you where to go, or invite you to join them at their churches).

If you would like to purchase Christian books, greeting cards, music CDs and 'Fairtrade' items, then the 'Good News Centre' in Churchgate, Loughborough, is the place to visit.

May you know the blessing of Almighty God this Easter time.

Clive Hilton - April 2010

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