14 April, 2010

OpenHouse Apr 18

Hello Friends,

Men - contact Steven now if you wish to come to the Men’s Breakfast' at Packe Street Church on Saturday, 17th April email Steven - be there at 8.30 am!

Meet on Sunday 18th April for OPEN-HOUSE – from 2 pm - 4 pm, at Emmanuel Church Centre, 43 Forest Road. Your hosts will be Steve Moses and Judith Hilton + other volunteers. Bring a friend with you - OPEN-HOUSE is especially for overseas visitors to L’boro.

Also on Sunday - ‘A Glimpse of Asia’ ~Saris & Dance. What are the latest Asian fashions for men and women – what are popular dances in the Indian sub-continent? Come and join us at OPEN-HOUSE to find out. Atul and Sirupa Patel will bring colourful clothes for you to try on, and music to dance to - so bring your camera!

Are you looking forward to the ’Grand Annual Crumpet Hunt’ on Saturday, 24th April? More details next week. How exciting!

Do you have difficulty with spoken or written English? Several OPEN-HOUSE volunteers are qualified to teach you. It need not cost a lot - ask Helen, Rose and Aaron for details.

May you all know God’s blessing,


Edible British Creatures

The British Isles are teeming with delicious creatures to eat in ‘season’. Venison, game, fish, salmon, trout, fresh kippers, grouse and pheasant are just a few of them.

In Wales you may find welshcakes and live Leekies on your plate, in Scotland the spicy Haggis has been hunted almost to extinction, whilst in Ulster you can still fish for pickled Lepracockles. But in England, now that Spring is here, the ‘Crumpet hunting season’ has begun.

Little round spotty critters with 6 legs, Crumpets are an English delicacy, and are caught during the open hunting season of February to May. In the north they call them Pikelets. They are best lightly toasted, then smothered with fresh English butter and a smidgeon of 'Marmite' – delicious!

Clive H

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