01 January, 2009

Happy New Year

Hello Friends,

Wow, doesn’t time fly – tomorrow is the first day of January, 2009 – so we’d like to wish you all a very ~
Happy New Year.

The next meeting of 'OPEN-HOUSE’, on Sunday, 4th January, will be in the Emmanuel Church ‘Centre’ from 2.00pm until 4.00pm (14.00 - 16.00). It will be a very special time, because our good friend Sirupa Patel is coming with some friends, bringing lots of colourful Indian clothes for us all to try on – yes, men as well as ladies! So do come along – it will be great fun – and bring your camera!

Judith and I went for a lovely walk on Boxing Day – the weather was sunny and crisp, and it was such a pleasure to see the newly ploughed fields, and birds swooping in the air; what did you all do over the Christmas holiday – do come and tell us on Sunday, and bring some photos with you.

Thursday (tomorrow) is New Years Day which I’m sure many of you will celebrate in some way. And the ’12 Days of Christmas’ ends on January 6th (Epiphany), when all the decoration and tinsel is taken down.

May you all know God’s blessing,


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