10 January, 2009

Photos @ 4th January and Invitation to the 11th' Open House

Hello Friends,

We all had a wonderfully enjoyable afternoon last Sunday, and I’d like to thank Sirupa and Atul Patel for bringing so many saris for the girls to dress up in (have you seen the pictures?); also for bringing food to add to the 'OPEN-HOUSE’ table – and for teaching us the stick-dance and bhangra! We must do it again. I lost count of how many came, but it was over 50, although not all are in the group picture. If you have any good photos of the event, then please send them to me at clive.hilton@googlemail.com and I will put them in the 'OPEN-HOUSE’ album for all to see.

The next meeting of 'OPEN-HOUSE’, will be on Sunday, 11th January, in the Emmanuel Church ‘Centre’ from 2.00pm until 4.00pm (14.00 - 16.00). There is always someone new to meet!!

It will soon be the Chinese New Year (4707 ~ ‘Year of the ?’). We might have a party, but you’ll have to come on Sunday to find out more!

May you all know God’s blessing,


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Photos on Flickr