17 December, 2008

21st, 25th, 28th

Hello Friends,

It’s nearly Christmas! 'OPEN-HOUSE’ will meet this Sunday, 21st December, in the Emmanuel Church ‘Centre’ from 2.00pm until 4.00pm (14.00 - 16.00). We may be able to stay in the Centre until later, so that you may go to the various ’Christmas Carol Services’ that begin at 6.30pm (see under - December Dates).

I shall not be sending an e-mail to you all next week, so remember, 'OPEN-HOUSE’ will meet as usual, on Sunday, 28th December in the Emmanuel Church ‘Centre’ from 2.00pm until 4.00pm.

Will you be alone on Christmas Day?
We are arranging a ‘Bring-and-Share Christmas Day Tea’ on the 25th, from 4pm onwards. You will need to bring something to eat and drink, to be shared by all, and a small, wrapped, gift to put under the Christmas Tree. Interested? Then talk to Judith or myself on Sunday and we will give you an Invitation with more details. So ~ come along this Sunday!!

May you all know God’s blessing,


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