10 March, 2010

14th, Mar. ‘Mothering Sunday’

Hello Friends,

OPEN-HOUSE meets on Sunday, 14th March from 2 pm - 4 pm, at Emmanuel Church Centre, 43 Forest Road, and your hosts will be Steve Moses with Judith Hilton. OPEN-HOUSE is especially for overseas visitors to L’boro – so bring a friend with you.

Sunday, 14th March, is ‘Mothering Sunday’ (not ‘Mothers Day’!), when we think especially of our mothers, and brighten their day with flowers or a gift – why not telephone your Mum.

Have you accessed the OPEN-HOUSE website at http://www.openhouselboro.blogspot.com/. You will find lots of pictures, links and news to keep you informed. I recommend the links to ‘SOON’ and ‘Project Britain’. People from around the world visit our website!

May you all know God’s blessing,


Learn from Clive
==☆   Crubeens (an Irish Recipe)    ☆==
better known as ‘Pigs Trotters’

160 mins Serves 4


4 Brined Pigs Trotters / 1 Large Carrot, cut into chunks
1 Onion, quartered / 1 Bay Leaf
4 Sprigs Thyme / Salt and Black Pepper


1. Wash the trotters well and place in a large saucepan
together with the carrot, onions, herbs, salt and pepper.

2. Cover with cold water, bring to the boil then reduce the heat
and simmer for 2-1/2 hours until very soft.

3. To serve –

Hot - lift out of the liquor and serve with soda bread.
Cold - cover and leave to cool in the liquor which will set to jelly.

‘brined’ = in salt water / ‘chunks’ = pieces
‘sprigs’ = several leaves / ‘soda bread’ = an Irish bread

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