10 February, 2010

13th, Men's Breakfast & 14th, 'bring-and-share’ meal to celebrate Chinese New Yer & Valentine's Day

Hello Friends,

Especially for the men! On Saturday, 13th February, there will be a ‘Men’s Breakfast’ at Packe Street Church – contact Steve on steven.cumberland@yahoo.co.uk for an invite ~ and be there at 8.20 am!

OPEN-HOUSE meets on Sunday, 14th February from 2 pm - 4 pm, at Emmanuel Church Centre, 43 Forest Road, and your hosts will be Clive Hilton and Wendy Taylor – with several others!

This Sunday we celebrate

Chinese New Year and Saint Valentine’s Day.

Judith will arrange a ‘bring-and-share’ meal

so please will you all bring
something to eat, and we all share it!

Do bring a friend with you - OPEN-HOUSE is especially for overseas visitors to L’boro.

The VISA Course began on Tuesday – there is still time to put your name down for this challenging course, so contact Bryan, Phil or Steve as soon as possible. Each meeting begins with a meal together.

May you all know God’s blessing,

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