26 June, 2009

No Open House on Sundays in July

Hello Friends,

On Sunday, 28th June, ‘OPEN-HOUSE’ meets in the Emmanuel Church
‘Lounge’ from 2.00 pm until 4.00 pm (14.00 - 16.00).

After OPEN-HOUSE, you are all invited, at 4pm, to listen to the ‘Children’s
Choir Concert’
in Emmanuel Church – this will be followed at 5pm with a ‘bring-your-own’ Picnic outside on the grass. What a lovely way to end the month!

Please remember –
during JULY there will not be any Sunday afaternoon meetings of ‘OPEN-HOUSE’but keep in touch because we hope to organise other events during the month.
Sunday afternoon meetings will begin again in August.

Its always good to hear from old friends who have returned to their far-away homes! Both our 2 friends have recently e-mailed us; they are well and adjusting to busy lives in China. Our thoughts and prayers are also with other old friends who live in more troubled
parts of the world, and we trust they will know security and peace in the midst of social and political upheaval.

May you all know God’s blessing,


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