09 April, 2009

Walk to Woodhouse Eaves - 13th April

Monday 13th is a Public Holiday. Would you like to join us for a WALK? We plan to go through the Outwoods to Beacon Hill - across to Broombriggs Farm (where we shall eat our picnic) - on to Woodhouse Eaves (and a cup of tea at No 11) - then back by different paths to where we began.

Bring with you:- strong walking shoes, a warm jacket in case it is cold or wet, camera, food and drink for your picnic (and a plastic bag to sit on if the field is wet) ~ you can put them all in a lightweight back-pack with your umbrella and hat etc!!!

Meeting Point ~ 10.15 am, at the junction of Forest Road with Kirkstone Drive & Valley Road (on your map - west side of town, leading to Nanpantan) – but please don’t be late! More info at ‘OPEN-HOUSE’ on Sunday.

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