20 March, 2009


Hi Friends,

We all enjoyed a wonderful day out last Saturday, visiting the little town of Melbourne and its 1,000 year old church, eating our picnics by the lakeside, then refreshments at Calke Abbey – and seeing the beginning of Spring in the countryside – yes, we really did walk nearly 8 miles in the sunshine! Do e-mail me your photos for the ‘OPEN-HOUSE’ album (clive.hilton@googlemail.com). I have relayed your thanks to Simon, Roger and the other ‘Parish Pilgrims’ who led us. Where next, I hear you ask!

Next Sunday, 22nd March, ‘OPEN-HOUSE’ will meet as usual in the Emmanuel Church ‘Centre’ from 2.00pm until 4.00pm (14.00 - 16.00).

May you all know God’s blessing,


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