07 November, 2008

9th - Remembrance Sunday, 12-15th - Town Fair

6th November 2008

Hello Friends,

During the morning of Sunday, 9th November, Remembrance Sunday, there will be a solemn Military Ceremony in Queens Park. You may wish to attend as a spectator or, like myself, to remember with gratitude those who have given their lives so that you and I may enjoy freedom. Find a place soon after 10 am (where you can see the front of the Carillon Tower.

We hope to see you at 'OPEN-HOUSE’ next Sunday, 9th November – we meet in the Emmanuel Church ‘Lounge’ from 2pm until 4pm (14.00 - 16.00).

The ‘Town Fair’ will be held in the town centre from Wednesday, 12th Nov to Saturday, 15th Nov. The Fair used to be held every St Peter’s Day and has a Charter granted by King Henry 3rd dated 1221 – it has been held almost every year since then, 787 years ago. Of course, it has changed over the years and is now all entertainment. Have fun, but beware of pickpockets, so keep your valuables safe!

May you all know God’s blessing,


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